Being able to communicate well in English is definitely hard work. But, being fluent in English can open many doors for you and enhance your life in so many ways.

English fluency improves your communication skills allowing you to connect with others, participate in more activities, enhance your job skills, and better solve problems in a predominantly English speaking society.

Communicating in English requires you to not only understand what is being spoken but to also speak with proper pronunciation and an accurate message in return.

Improving your English speaking skills is possible with a little patience and lots of practice. There are simple strategies you can use to practice your English every day. Here are five daily speech therapy exercises you can do at home.

Conversation As Speech Therapy Exercises

What’s the best way to improve your English speaking skills? Start Talking.

Engaging in regular conversation with a friend or colleague will help you with your listening and speaking skills.

To engage in conversation you must listen, talk, offer feedback, and talk some more. Using gestures can also enhance communication and you get your meaning across and seek clarification.

Having a patient friend who will nudge you along and correct you is very helpful. The ability to stop and start the conversation over or to ask questions is beneficial and will only enhance your English.

If by chance you don’t have someone willing to help, try to immerse yourself in some English only environments such as movies, church, or sporting events. The more you are exposed to English, the better for you.

Speech therapy from home

Doing simple speech therapy exercises at home can help communicate with confidence.

Thinking In English

If you really want to improve your English, you have to speak and think in English. If you only think in your native language, you are actually making it harder to learn in English.

Translating between languages is difficult, and the meanings of words can get lost or misconstrued in the process. The answer is to think in English frequently.

You can do this anywhere. Try to think in English as you work or go about your day. Try thinking in English as you shop for items or order food in a restaurant.

Using an English to English dictionary is a good idea. This helps prevent you from having to constantly translate words. When you think in English on a regular basis, you’ll notice speaking becomes easier too.

Watch Yourself In The Mirror

Whenever possible, take a few minutes of your day to stand in front of a mirror and talk in English as a form of speech therapy. This exercise allows you to watch your lips, face, and body language when speaking.

Try setting a timer for a few minutes and start talking. You can speak and even pretend you are in a conversation with someone else. If certain words are giving you trouble, try to replace them with different words that fit.

After the exercise, look up problem words. This is a great way to know what words, phrases, or sentences you are having difficulty with.

Utilize Technology

Technology enhances our lives every day.

It’s everywhere, and you can use it as speech therapy to your advantage to improve your English skills. Try using the speaking option on your computer or smartphone.

Having an online speaking partner is a great idea. Using Skype to communicate with native English speakers is also helpful.

Simply watching movies, news programs, and even YouTube videos can help because you are listening to correct pronunciation.

Sing In English

Singing along to English songs you enjoy can be a fun and helpful speech therapy exercise to improve your speaking and listening skills. The type of music doesn’t really matter. As long as you are listening to a native English speaker, you will learn.

Trying to sing songs on your own in English can be helpful too. Even rap music can be helpful in terms of speech therapy exercises because they speak in sentences. Some of these songs may be too fast or not make sense. But, if you can rap along, it’s a fun way to practice English.

Finding A Helpful Service

If you are hoping to improve your English skills or accent, or if are feeling frustrated with your progress, we can help. We would love to talk with you answer any questions you may have.

With our services plus some time and dedication on your part, you will be on your way to improving your skills. Contact us today.